Our concerts are more than just music

They are a portal to the mysteries of life and what it means to be human

We want our concerts to be a portal to the mysteries of life. To offer a space for the dimensions of what it means to be human that our culture has cut itself off from.

We do that grounded in four pillars.

Music has the power to create community. And we need community now more than ever. Community within ourselves, with our fellow sisters and brothers, and with the Earth herself and all her descendants. Our concerts is an invitation into the knowing that we belong.

We see our concerts as a ritual. A ritual for connecting with what matters. Connecting to the beauty of life, to our grief for what has been lost, and to our longing for the world we know in our hearts is possible.

Earth is our mother, our muse, our bread and wine, our bodies - it's us. The rememberance of ourselves as Earth is a doorway from separation, into connection. An invitation into wholeness with life, where we are participants in a cosmic ecosystem.

We want our concerts to touch your soul. There is a reality that lives beyond the rational mind, which can be connected to in any moment — a reality where the world is alive and ensouled, and where we as humans are active participants in a living miracle. Music is the language of the soul & we want to connect with yours.